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May 15, 2025

International Day of Families

family day

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed that 15 May of every year shall be observed as the International Day of Families. The day reflects the importance that the international community attaches to families as basic units of society.

Children can celebrate International Day of Families by: 

  • Making a family treeChildren can learn about their family history and create a visual representation of their family 
  • Planning a family eventChildren can plan a fun activity to do with their family 
  • VolunteeringChildren can learn about ways to help their community 
  • Drawing a picture of their familyChildren can explore what their family is like and how they see themselves in it 
  • Learning about different types of familiesChildren can learn about the diversity of families in different cultures and communities 
  • Reflecting on what family meansChildren can think about what family means to them and how it shapes their lives