
Life at Grace's

Nursery Life

Kids backpacks
Yellow circle pattern
Kids painting at the table

There is always plenty going on at all of our Grace’s settings.

Nursery life is always a hive of activity and there’s plenty of fun and laughter to be had by all.

We always want to make sure that the children have the opportunity to experience as much as possible, so that by the time they leave us to go to big school, they are full of confidence and ready to take on the world!

girl doing some drawing

A day in the life.

A day in the life of Grace’s can be extremely varied but will almost certainly include outdoor play, no matter what the weather is like. During the really warm summer months, we avoid the heat of the day but in the winter months we don’t mind what the weather does, in fact we have a saying at Grace’s ‘there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing!’.

Outdoor Play is incredibly important to us and creates a whole host of fun learning opportunities. We are incredibly fortunate to have great outdoor spaces to explore.


We also encourage our children to learn about the importance of the environment and looking after our planet. Whether that be through recycling what we can in the nurseries or growing our own fruit and veg and our partnership with Planet Mark, a sustainability accreditation where we commit to drive down our carbon footprint.

Girl eating at the table
Red hundreds and thousands pattern

Eating well.

‘Growing our own’ also creates not only lots of fun for the children but also an understanding of how things grow and allows the children to see the cycle from ‘seed to plate’.

This also ties in extremely well with our Early Years Nutrition Partnership accreditation, where we work with a professional nutritionist to ensure that we are always providing the best and healthiest food. All of our settings are incredibly enthusiastic about their vegetable beds and getting the children involved and our annual Golden Carrot competition, for the best grown vegetables/fruit and salad, is highly competitive!

Kids in the forest

Forest School.

Being Forest School accredited also means that we can further enhance our children’s learning opportunities and we are extremely lucky to have our very own dedicated Forest School area on site at Ruxley. This large wooded area is fully enclosed and used solely by us with rope swings, mounds of mud to slide down and trees to climb.

All of our children absolutely love their visits to Forest School, especially when lunch of jacket potatoes and baked beans is cooked on the camp fire!

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions & Answers

Wood blackcurrant pattern

Safety and welfare

Green leaf pattern