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Frequently Asked Questions

Questions & Answers.

Do you have a question about what your child will do while they are with us? Or maybe a question about the nursery itself? We’re here to answer it. Below are the answers to some common questions, but if you don’t see your question here, please get in touch with us via our contact page and we'll be glad to help.

How much does it cost to come to Grace’s?

Please contact us to find out more information about our fees.

Will my child go outside in the rain?

The simple answer is yes! We believe in children experiencing a range of weathers and seasons and they are usually the first to want to splash in a puddle of water. We always ensure children are appropriately dressed and of course if it is extreme weather we would stay inside. We love the motto, ‘there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing’!

Will my child go on outings?

Absolutely! The younger children will start with some local walks and trips to the forest. Each year, we out together an annual events list which is full of exciting trips to the farm, beach and more! The indoor classroom is fantastic, but going out and experiencing things for themselves gives endless opportunities for learning.

How will you settle my child?

We love to get to know your whole family and understand that we are settling you all in to nursery life. This can be a big transition for everyone and so we will come and visit you in your home, where your child is relaxed in their own environment. This gives us an opportunity to really talk through all elements of nursery life with you and support you with any worries or concerns you might have.

Your child will be assigned a key person, who will develop an initial bond with your child, to make their settling process easier. Your child will have a series of short visits to the nursery before starting, so they get used to everyone and their new environment. Every child is different and so we will work with you and your family to find the best way to settle you all in to Grace’s.

Can someone else collect my child?

We will only let someone else pick up your child if we have had prior written permission, even if it is a grandparent we know! Anyone who you have agreed to collect your child will require a password before we let them go.

Do you provide nappies and wipes?

We provide all nappies and wipes for your child and this is all included in your monthly fee rate.

What happens if I am late picking my child up?

We understand that occasionally there can be problems with traffic or public transport- please ring us as soon as you know there is a problem so that we can make arrangements for at least two team to stay late to care for your child. You will be charged £15 for every 15 minutes that you are late collecting as we need to pay our team for staying late. If you do not arrive and we are unable to make contact with you, we will try to contact the people you have listed as your emergency contacts.

Do you offer the free entitlement scheme where we can claim up to 30 hours free?

We do! We claim the 15 hours free on your behalf the term after your child turns 3 years old. Some families may be eligible to claim more than this but must apply for a code through HMRC. Please speak to one of our nursery managers who can discuss this in more detail with you.

What staff ratios do you follow?

We always exceed the legal limits of ratios below to ensure the best care can be given! You will find an additional team member in all of our rooms.

Babies under 2 years: 1 adult: 3 children
Children aged 2-3 years: 1 adult: 4 children
Children aged 3-5 years: 1 adult: 8 children

Can I use tax free childcare?

Working parents of children aged under 12 can use Tax-Free Childcare to pay for registered childcare. The Government will top-up the money that parents pay into the account. For every £8 parents pay in, the Government will add an extra £2. Parents can receive £2,000 per child per year, or £4,000 if disabled. The eligibility criteria for Tax-Free Childcare is broadly aligned with 30 hours free childcare.

The main differences are that Tax-Free Childcare is available for children under 12, and is not available to parents in receipt of tax credits, Universal Credit or childcare vouchers. Parents in receipt of these can choose, as part of the childcare service application, whether they want to keep these benefits and apply for the 30 hours funding only, or leave these and apply for Tax-Free Childcare as well as 30 hours funding.

Your eligibility for Tax-Free Childcare will be checked as part of your online application for 30 hrs. Once approved, please email your code to the nursery to enable us to reference your payment.

Do you cater for dietary requirements?

Our Nursery chefs are all very experienced at dealing with a range of different dietary requirements. As part of your induction into the nursery, they will meet with you to discuss this in person.

Nursery Life

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