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The safety and welfare of each individual child is paramount. Our team undertake extensive professional training in this area so we can ensure they are knowledgeable and confident enough to spot any potential signs of abuse.
Our team are trained to identify potential signs of physical, sexual and emotional abuse, as well as neglect and female genital mutilation. They will also be aware of signs that a child is in a household where there is domestic violence. These are never things that any of us want to think about, but sadly, abuse can happen in many different forms and in any household.
We promote fundamental British Values in all our nurseries, so that children learn to have their own voice, know what is right and wrong, celebrate diversity and understand their right to have a say. We hope these will set them in good stead for protecting themselves.
We have a strong culture of whistleblowing in all our nurseries and thorough processes in place to ensure safe recruitment of all our team. We are proud that our team are so committed to keeping children safe from harm and protecting them from maltreatment.
Further information about how we safeguard your child will be shared with you during the home visit.